Laser energy is a proven method to reduce unwanted hair from your skin.
At Advanced Dermatology results are long-lasting, discomfort is tolerable, and side effects are minimal for skin and hair.
Advanced Dermatology has a variety of lasers which permits us to customize each patient’s treatment. We offer GentleMax PRO® and GentleLase PRO® for laser hair removal which are fast and highly effective for Fitzpatrick skin types I-VI. For dark-skinned patients of Asian, African American, Indian, Hispanic and Middle Eastern descent we use the Gentlemax PRO® which uses a wavelength that is safe and effective. The GentleLASE PRO® and Gentlemax PRO® provide the fastest, most comfortable, and most effective removal of dark hair in patients with light skin. Energy from this laser interacts with the pigment in hair but not the pigment in the skin. This allows us to remove the hair without heating the skin. The laser cannot treat white, blond, or grey hair.