news + blog

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Resurfacing Lasers

There are two types of resurfacing lasers, ablative and non-ablative. When patients think of laser resurfacing this often brings to mind traditional laser treatments where patients had extended downtime and healing. With the advent of new technologies patients can still

Fall in Love with Your Legs Again!

Autumn is a great time to “Fall” in love with your legs again! I know, I know…awful pun…but it’s true: once it starts getting cooler outside and we transition from “shorts season” to “pants season”, it’s a perfect time to finally

Dr. Taub’s Fall 2018 Letter

Dear patients, colleagues and friends, Hello, welcome to the newsletter for the Fall of 2018! The biggest changes going on are the new office expansion and remodel as well as the addition of a Mohs surgeon. If you haven’t come

Head Lice

With the back to school season in full swing, many parents of young children face a common source of panic: the human head louse. Lice, which live very close to the warm scalp and feed on our blood, have co-existed

Internet Makeovers

The Internet is such an integral part of our everyday lives that it’s often hard to imagine what it was like to live without it—let alone remember what it looked like when we first started using it. But the look

Time for a Body Check for Skin Cancers

With spring and summer finally around the corner, it’s time to ramp up your sun protection and examine body parts that have been hidden all winter! While melanoma, a cancer of the pigment-making cells in our skin, is one of

DefenAge® Skincare Research Study Shows Positive Results for Wrinkles, Pores, Pigmentation and Skin Thickness and Evenness

The results of the DefenAge® Skincare Study were published in the April edition of the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology. Three research and clinical sites performed the study of 45 women over 12 weeks. Advanced Dermatology was one of the

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.