news + blog

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Fillers for Lift in the Face

Fillers often lift various areas of the face as a secondary effect of volumizing. Think about a balloon that is full. It is tight and takes up a lot of space, yet when it starts to deflate, the rubber wrinkles

Actinic Keratoses Facts

Actinic keratoses (singular actininc keratosis), also called “AKs”, are skin growths that are precursors to skin cancer. Specifically, AKs can develop into squamous cell skin cancer. They do not develop into any other type of skin cancer. Usually the progression

Veins: They Take Time, Effort and Patience. But It’s So Worth It!

You have to hand it to the daffodils: though there’s still frost on the ground on these early April mornings, they are still determined to make the world a bit more beautiful. Unlike in cartoons, flowers don’t actually instantly sprout

Dr. Taub’s Spring 2018 Letter

Dear patients, colleagues and friends, As you have probably noticed, we are in the process of expanding our Lincolnshire office. We are hoping to be in the new space (adjacent to the old space) by end of May, while we

A Hairy Situation

Grooming, or preening, is essential behavior to many species. From cats to birds to chimpanzees, social animals implement specific grooming behaviors to stay healthy and clean, to bond with other members of their group, or to attract a mate. As

Dr. Taub Letter Winter 2018 Newsletter

Dear patients, colleagues and friends, As I write this it is almost Thanksgiving, but when you receive this we will be deep into winter! Everybody seems to love my travelogues so I will start with telling you about my travels!

Most Common Questions: Fillers

How would injectable fillers help with my (insert your concern)? Injectable fillers can add volume to areas where we have lost it, which can also soften lines. As we age, changes in fat pads, muscle, and bone cause our lower

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.