news + blog

Read our blog to hear what Dr. Taub and her medical staff have to say about the latest medical and cosmetic treatments.

Skin Rejuvenation Following Summer Sun, Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

As we move into fall, it’s time to start thinking about how to reverse unwanted sun damage acquired over the summer months! We offer several in office treatments at Advanced Dermatology 
for skin rejuvenation following summer sun. Photorejuvenation is an

Silhouette Instalift, Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

Have you ever looked in the mirror and
 pulled up your cheeks to pretend you could
 get a face-lift without surgery? A new product consisting of threads made of cones and knots using biodegradable materials already used in popular filler

Giving Your Face A Lift With Muscle Stimulation! Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

There are 4 layers to the skin: epidermis, dermis, fat and muscle. There are all kinds of skin care products and energy based devices that work on the first 3 layers, but few that work on the muscle layer. We

The “Herald Patch” Rash Fall/ Winter Newsletter 2016

Pityriasis rosea (PR) is a
 fairly common rash that typically occurs during the fall and 
spring, but can develop any time during the year. It most frequently appears in children and teenagers, however, those in other age groups can develop

CoolSculpting System Upgrade Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

Advanced Dermatology is excited to offer the addition of the CoolAdvantageTM Applicator to our existing CoolSculpting® System. CoolSculpting® is FDA approved for non-invasive fat reduction utilizing cooling applicators to permanently eliminate fat cells from beneath the skin. The CoolAdvantageTM applicator treats

Love Your Legs Again Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

Autumn is a great time to “fall” in love with
 your legs again! Oy… I know, I know…awful pun…
but it’s true: once it starts getting cooler outside and we transition from “shorts season” to “pants season”, it’s a perfect time

Dr. Taub’s Letter, Fall/Winter Newsletter 2016

Anne Marie Mahoney, MD, our new associate, has arrived! She has just completed a 1-year fellowship in cosmetic dermatology with Drs. Robert and Margaret Weiss, dear friends of mine as well as some of the most respected dermatologists in the

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Advanced Dermatology is the leading aesthetic and medical dermatology practice in the North Shore servicing Glencoe, Lincolnshire and Chicago.