Skin laxity of the neck and chest is caused by loss of collagen, elastin, fat and even muscle due to sun damage and age. Various skin-tightening procedures were first introduced a little over a decade ago, and have since been
Winter Treatments with Downtime, Winter 2015 Newsletter
As the cold weather approaches and we all bundle up, this is a great time to think about addressing the sun damage you may have accumulated in warmer months. This is the perfect time for laser procedures that work best
Dr. Taub’s Letter, Winter 2014 Newsletter
Dear Patients, Colleagues and Friends, This has been a jam-packed 3 months personally for me due to my 2 week-long trip to South Africa for the 3rd annual DASIL meeting (Dermatologic Aesthetic Surgery International League). I spent a few days
Men’s Shaving Tips
How you shave can make a difference in your skin, appearance, and sets the tone for the day. Trial and error and observing family or friends is a good resource, but our infographic below highlights some tips and tricks that
Who is the Perfect Sculptra® Candidate, Fall 2014 Newsletter
Sculptra® is filler that stimulates a person’s skin to make new collagen after it is injected. Unlike the standard fillers which are gel-like substance that fill or plump up the skin to reduce wrinkles, or create lift or volume, Sculptra®
Minimal Approach vs. Full Correction, Fall 2014 Newsletter
Minimal Approach to Wrinkles CORE 4 Skincare Regimen (developed by Dr. Taub)— Using a sunscreen, antioxidant, exfoliant, and growth factor are the most fundamental and simplest approach to not only protecting yourself from skin cancer but also to help reduce